This is an awesome tip I got from Lucy Gray (@elemenous) at this week's METC conference in St. Louis. Lucy presented a session called "Exploring Instructional Uses of Multimedia". Be sure to check her website High Techpectations for other great ideas. In this post, I will show you how to upload a video to your YouTube channel through a process called mobile uploading.
Let's start with an instructional scenario. You have students working on a campaign project in your government class. Student groups are working to create a 30 second video ad for their candidate. You have groups working on iPads, smartphones, and other devices. When they are finished, you want to gather and share these projects in the easiest manner possible. So why not have them email them directly to your classroom's YouTube channel?
Here's how you get it done. The hardest part of the process for me was finding my channel's email address. After a bit of digging, I found the easiest way. Once you are signed in, click on the tiny arrow next to your name in the upper right corner of the screen. That should open up your options. Choose "YouTube Settings". See below.
From there, you'll see your account information. Below your name and password, you'll see "mobile uploads". You're going to get a crazy long email address that ends with the domain If you think like me, you'll want to press the little button that says "click here to get a new address" so you can change it to something easy. Alas, all it does is give you another crazy long email address instead. So having your students enter the correct email address is likely the hardest part of the process. I'll admit I messed it up a few times.
On the mobile device, open up your video and email it to that address. The first time I did it, I got a confirmation address from YouTube. Since then, I haven't. So don't expect it every time. And don't expect it to come quickly. Some of my tests took up to five minutes to appear. But it's going through several locations, so I guess I should just be amazed that they appeared at all.
Now that the videos have been uploaded, you can now manage them and move them to an appropriate playlist for classroom use. You'll have all the great features that YouTube offers, but with the added convenience of having the videos uploaded directly from any device. That's pretty cool.